Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Frank H. P. Fitzek is leading the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks with over 100 researchers. The main focus of the chair’s research is concentrated on future communication systems. Current research directions are Tactile Internet, Quantum Communication, and Post Shannon. The chair is intensively involved in the topic of Computing in Communication Networks, especially SDN, NFV, and ICN. Other research areas include network coding, cooperative networks, and robotics.
The chair is leading the excellence cluster Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), coordinating the Center for Explainable and Efficient AI Technologies (CEE-AI), and is partner in the following projects: 5G Insel, AI4mobile, Hexa-X financed by DFG, BMBF, and EU.
In addition, Professor Fitzek is the coordinator of the 5G Lab Germany at the TU Dresden, which encompasses an interdisciplinary team of 23 professors and almost 600 employees from various research institutes. He also coordinates the large-scale project 6G-life, which is funded by the BMBF and realized together with the Technical University of Munich. The project explores potentials and use cases of 6G communication networks.
Bilateral research projects are currently carried out with (in alphabetical order) Deutsche Telekom AG, Ericsson, and Magna.
In most of the aforementioned research topics, we collaborate with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Aalborg University (AAU), Technical University of Munich (TUM), and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE). Several projects are carried out with our partners from acticom GmbH, Chocolate Cloud ApS, Campus Genius, Code On Technologies, Meshmerize, Mimetik, Steinwurf ApS, and Wandelbots GmbH.
Variety is the spice of life!
ComNets Chair at TUD Follow 1,029 479
The Führungsgruppe Speyer visited us again! 🎉 The participants experienced #humanmachineinteraction live in our #CeTIBAR and got to know the Spot and Ameca 🤖 robots - research & innovation for the future. @tudresden_de @dfg_public #tactileinternet #robotics #Innovation
The collaboration between @deutschetelekom and @ComNets_TUD , led by Prof. @frankfitzek, will continue! Together, we’ll advance innovation in #6G, 5G campus networks, #quantumcommunication, #molecularcommunication, and 3D networking. @launchhub42 @tudresden @6gLife