Communication Networks 2 / Kommunikationsnetze 2

(Kommunikationsnetze, Aufbaumodul)


Jun.-Prof. Giang T. Nguyen

Prof. Frank Fitzek

Teaching Assistants

M.Sc. Tung Van Doan Dr.-Ing. Tung Doan

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Senk

M.Sc. Mahdi Attawna

M.Sc. Ricardo Jose Baptista Pousa

Dipl.-Ing. Sandra Zimmermann

M.Sc. Osel Lhamo

Dipl.-Ing. Mingyu Ma



Please contact Mingyu Ma or Osel Lhamo for general questions and problems, and for specific issues the corresponding teaching assistant.


In this course, we cover hot topics of communication networks, including but not limited to:

  • Computation in Future Communication Networks and Tactile Internet
  • Network Slicing
  • Mobile Edge Cloud (MEC)
  • Software-defined Networking (SDN)
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Active Queue Management (AQM)
  • Hands-on Exercises: Mininet, ComNetsEmu, Docker, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Cloud, Active Queue Management

Important links

We request all students enrol in the OPAL course. See the link above.


The 5G Atom.

Module Description

  • Module Number: ET-12 10 05
  • Language of lecture: English
  • Optional course, this course is offered only in the summer semester.

Course Schedule

  • Lectures (L): Mondays, 14:50 – 16:20, BAR I/86C for first class and rest BAR S4.
  • Exercises (E): Thursdays of the odd calendar weeks, 13:00 – 14:30, BAR 218/U for first class and rest BAR S4.
WeekDateLecture typeLocationTopicNotes
1508.04.L1BAR I/86CComputing in Future Communication Networks
11.04.E1BAR 218/UMininet + Docker
1615.04.L2BAR S4Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
1722.04.L3BAR S4Software Defined Networks (SDN)P1
25.04.E2BAR S4Docker + ComNetsEmu
1829.04.E3BAR S4SDN
1906.05.--NO LECTURE(6G-life General Assembly)
09.05.--NO EXERCISE(Ascension Day)
2013.05.--NO LECTURE(6G Summit)
2120.05.--NO LECTURE(Pentecost)
23.05.--NO EXERCISE(Pentecost)
2227.05.L4BAR S4Software Defined Networks (SDN)P2
2303.06.L5BAR S4Network Slicing
2410.06.L6BAR S4Mobile Edge Cloud (MEC)
2517.06.L7BAR S4Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
20.06.E4BAR S4TSN
2624.06.E5BAR S4Realizing Mobile Edge CloudExercise on Monday is at 14:50 – 16:20
2701.07.L8BAR S4Content Distribution
04.07.E6BAR S4Realizing Network Slicing
2915.07.L9BAR S4Network Slicing & Programmable networks
18.07.E7BAR S4Exercise for Programmable networks, Q&A, Exam Preparation


  • L – Lecture
  • E – Exercise
  • t.b.d. – to be determined

For your reference, you are invited to watch the lecture videos from SS 2020, which are available on the YouTube playlist.


Examination schedule for the SS 2024 is to-be-determined.

Further Material

Teaching Book

This time we will use our book: Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice.
An introduction to the book and related slides for each chapter can be found on our website.
We will distribute the corresponding chapters of the book in the course.

The Network Emulator for Hands-on Exercises

We will use ComNetsEmu, our holistic network emulator.

Further Reading

Related Publications

  • Fitzek, Frank HP, and Patrick Seeling. “Why We Should NOT Talk about 6G.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.02079 (2020).
  • Zuo Xiang, Frank Gabriel, Elena Urbano, Giang T. Nguyen, Martin Reisslein, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Reducing Latency in Virtual Machines Enabling Tactile Internet for Human Machine Co-working, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37 (5), pp. 1098-1116, 2019, ISSN: 0733-8716.
  • Justus Rischke, Frank Gabriel, Sreekrishna Pandi, Giang T. Nguyen, Hani Salah, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Improving Communication Reliability Efficiently: Adaptive Redundancy for RLNC in SDN, IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Paris, France, 2019.
  • Tung V. Doan, Alexander Kropp, Giang T. Nguyen, Hani Salah, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Reusing Sub-chains of Network Functions to Support MEC Services, IEEE ISCC, Barcelona, Spain, 2019.
  • Robert-Steve Schmoll, Tobias Fischer, Hani Salah, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Comparing and Evaluating Application-specific Boot Times of Virtualized Instances, IEEE 5G World Forum, Dresden, Germany, 2019.
  • Tung V. Doan, Giang T. Nguyen, Hani Salah, Sreekrishna Pandi, Michael Jarschel, Rastin Pries, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Containers vs Virtual Machines: Choosing the Right Virtualization Technology for Mobile Edge Cloud, IEEE 5G World Forum, Dresden, Germany, 2019.
  • Dongho You, Tung V. Doan, Roberto Torre, Mahshid Mehrabi, Alexander Kropp, Hani Salah, Vu Nguyen, Giang T. Nguyen, Frank H. P. Fitzek: Fog Computing as an Enabler for Immersive Media: Service Scenarios and Research Opportunities, IEEE Access, 2019.