Finished Student Theses

Diploma Thesis

  1. A comprehensive framework to benchmark radar-based gesture recognition (Yifan Ma) – Supervisor: Giang T. Nguyen
  2. Distributed Machine Learning for Enhanced Gas Mixture Analysis in Sensor Networks (Yuzhe Wang) – Supervisor: Yushan Yang, Jiajing Zhang
  3. Creating Virtual Twins of Cellular Networks with Measurement Data (Cornelius Kirchhoff) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  4. Extremely Early Image Recognition in Resource-Constrained Environments (Yifei Chen) – Supervisor: Jonas Schulz
  5. Investigating State Transfer Using Programmable Network Devices (Junyue Wang) – Supervisor: Giang T. Nguyen, Tung Doan
  6. Application-aware traffic differentiation on programmable IoT gateways (Yankai Su) – Supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  7. A Study on 5G Quality of Service Mechanisms with OMNeT++ (Hengkai Zhao) – Supervisor: How-Hang Liu, Stefan Senk, Hosein K. Nazari
  8. Improving Performance of Service Mesh for Cloud Native Applications Using Programmable Data Planes (Jiakang Weng) – Supervisor: Tung Doan
  9. Increasing the Resilience of Opportunistic Routing Protocols with Distributed Packet Forwarding and Error Correction Schemes (Hugo Forrat) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus, Stefan Gumhold (Informatik)
  10. Threat Analysis of a Neutral Host Network Architecture (Ernest Scholtz) – Supervisor: Thomas Höschele, Jennifer Gabriel
  11. Traffic differentiation on programmable switches for haptic applications (Mingyu Ma) – Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Giang T. Nguyen
  12. Intelligent Optimization using AI for Emerging Time-Sensitive Applications (Scheinert, Tobias) – Supervisor: Stefan Senk, Hosein K. Nazari, How-Hang Liu
  13. The Impact of Network Latency on Autonomous Traffic Controlled by Deep Reinforcement Learning (Xianran Liu) – Supervisor: Johannes Busch
  14. A Boolean Algebraic Approach to Coded Distributed Computing (Haonan Yin) – Supervisor: Juan Cabrera
  15. Machine-Learning-based Point Cloud Completion fort he Estimation of Deformed Surfaces from Partial Views (Max Kirchner) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus; M. Eng. Reuben Docea – NCT Dresden
  16. Investigation of SLAM processing in Multiple Edge Clouds (Erik Noack) – Supervisor: Peter Sossalla, Johannes Hofer
  17. Proof of Work for enhanced Denial of Service Protection in WPA3 (Silvio Ankermann) – Supervisor: Jennifer Gabriel
  18. Anomaly Detection in Sensory Data Using Machine Learning (Yiqi Tang) – Supervisor: Maté Tömösközi
  19. Definition and Implementation of an Acknowledgement Protocol for Entanglement-assisted Communications (Leonardo Alexis Gonzalez Zuniga) – Supervisor: Riccardo Bassoli
  20. Rate Control in Mesh Networks using Opportunistic Routing (Jennifer Schwardt) – Supervisor: Frank Fitzek, Jennifer Gabriel
  21. GRAND Decoders for 5G (Niklas Förster) – Supervisor: Juan Cabrera, Caspar von Lengerke
  22. State Management for the 5G Control Plane (Franz Höpfner) – Supervisor: Malte Höweler
  23. Joint offloading and scheduling optimization in UAV assisted MEC System (Yilun Hai) – Supervisor: Shiwei Shen, Jiajing Zhang
  24. Investigation of SLAM processing in an Edge Cloud (Johannes Hofer) – Supervisor: Peter Sossalla, Justus Rischke
  25. Calibration of mobile network simulations with measurement data (Xuefan Wang) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  26. Examination of identification in Software Defined Radios (Alexander Hefele) – Supervisor: Juan Cabrera, Caspar v. Lengerke
  27. Cloud based robot grasp detection for industry 4.0 (Robert Mörseburg) – Supervisor: Andreas Grohmann
  28. Streaming Data Management for COIN-enabled Blind Source Separation (Yunbin Shen) – Supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu
  29. Exploring the benefits of the application states in Mobile Edge Cloud (Chenglin Ding) – Supervisor: Tung Doan
  30. Information Abstraction for Big Data Analysis: A Case Study of Multi-object Acoustic Anomaly Detection (Jia He) – Supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu
  31. AI aided robot remote control (Adrian Bretschneider Perez) – Supervisor: Andreas Ingo Grohmann
  32. Computing in the Network for Cooperative Blind Source Separation (Xiaochu Tan) – Supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu, Zuo Xiang
  33. Joint offloading and scheduling optimization in Device-enhanced MEC System (Xiaoyan Yu) – Supervisor: Mahshid Mehrabi, Shiwei Shen
  34. Design and Evaluation of a Network Softwarization Platform for Edge and In-Network Computing (Patrick Ziegler) – supervisor: Zuo Xiang
  35. Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Prehensile Gesture Detection (Achim Schade) – supervisor: Ievgenii Tsokalo
  36. Security Analysis of Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G (Tobias Fischer) – supervisor: Jennifer Gabriel
  37. Energy-efficient network coding in IEEE 802.15.4 environments (Funing Xia) – supervisor: Marek Sobe
  38. Study and optimization of OpenThread wireless sensor networks with mobile nodes (Lukas Pingel) – supervisor: Andreas Ingo Grohmann
  39. Evaluation of coding window size of sliding window RLNC for vehicle platooning traffic scenarios (Paul Schwenteck) – supervisor: Elif Tasdemir, Rico Radeke
  40. Fast Traffic Congestion Detection and Avoidance for Edge Data Center Network with modern Programmable Switches (Ulrich Baur) – supervisor: Zuo Xiang
  41. Learning Optimal Congestion Control Algorithms (Christian Vielhaus) – supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  42. Learning Coding Schemes (Alexander Sarmanow) – supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  43. Optimizing Broadcast Delivery in Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks (Marek Sobe) – supervisor: Simon Wunderlich
  44. Joint offloading and scheduling optimization in Device-enhanced MEC System (Xiaoyan Yu) – supervisor: Mahshid Mehrabi
  45. On the Scalability of the Joint Compressed Sensing and Network Coding in WSNs (Ulrich-Matthias Schäfer) – supervisor: Maroua Taghouti
  46. Investigation of Network Coding assisted Broadcast for Vehicular Communication Networks (Yicong Su) – supervisor: Chistopher Lehmann
  47. Evaluation of Inter-Flow Network Coding for V2X Communication (Kai Michael) – supervisor: Chistopher Lehmann
  48. Performance evaluation of of fulcrum and bats codes (Yicong Su) – supervisor: Vu Nguyen
  49. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Control (Johannes Busch) – supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  50. Coded Caching in the Interplanetary File System Context (Sandra Zimmermann) – supervisor: Juan Cabrera
  51. Technologietransfer am Beispiel von 5G Insellösungen (Alina Ostenda) – supervisor: Thomas Höschele
  52. Mobilizable Service States in Mobile Edge Cloud (Zhongyi Fan) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen and Tung Doan
  53. Evaluation and Implementation of Adaptive Service Function Chaining Protocol for Latency Sensitive Object Detection (Renbing Zhang) – supervisor: Alexander Kropp and Zuo Xiang
  54. Leveraging Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) for Data Collection and Analytics (Stefan Senk) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  55. Optimizing Guaranteed Latency in Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks (Andreas Ingo Grohmann) – supervisor: Frank Gabriel
  56. Machine Learning-Enabled Generalised Header Compression (Mingchuan Luo) – supervisor: Máté Tömösközi
  57. Joint Compressed Sensing and Network Coding in the Finite Fields for Large-Scale WSNs (Lukas Egge) – supervisor: Maroua Taghouti and Christian Scheunert
  58. Design, implement, and validate via software simulation a reinforcement learning based orchestrator for the utilization of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) as mobile energy sources in the presence of stochastic power generation based on renewable energies (Jiajing Zhang) – supervisor: Riccardo Bonetto
  59. Study of channel conditions of IEEE 802.11x networks for partial packet recovery algorithms (Raphael Steppert, 2018) – supervisor: Juan Cabrera
  60. Resilience in Opportunistically Routed Wireless Mesh Networks (David Nophut, 2018) – supervisor: Simon Wunderlich
  61. Real-time Wireless Guidance System for Cyclists (Jonas Bechtel, 2018) – supervisor: Ievgenii Tsokalo
  62. opportunistic Routing in large-scale mesh Networks (Willy Teske, 2018) – supervisor: Ievgenii Tsokalo
  63. A framework for live migration of services in cloud computing (Sebastian Willmer, 2018) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  64. Implementation and evaluation of OpenStack as a framework for easy and fast deployment of emulated network environments through resource virtualization (Robert-Steve Schmoll, 2016) – supervisor: Juan Cabrera

Master Thesis

  1. Improving Performance of Orchestration for Cloud-Native Applications Using Programmable Network Devices (Um e Habiba) – Supervisor: Tung Doan, Giang T. Nguyen
  2. Mobility- and Accelerator-aware Offloading Schemes (Mohamad Jamil Al Bouhairi) – Supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  3. Reinforcement Learning for Joint Control of Vehicles and Infrastructure in V2I-Enabled Traffic (Robert Voelkner) – Supervisor: Johannes Busch, Christian Vielhaus
  4. Predictive Quality of Service in Cellular Networks (Abhiram Uppoor) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  5. Investigation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Software-defined Networks (Yueyue Gao) – Supervisor: Peter Sossalla, Johannes Busch
  6. Mobility- and Incentive-aware Task Offloading Framework considering inter-dependency of tasks in Device-enhanced MEC systems (Osel Lhamo) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  7. Approximating optimal Broadcast in Wireless Mesh Networks with Machine Learning (Giovanni Perin) – supervisor: David Nophut
  8. Theme Improving Next-Generation Video Codec Segmentation using Deep Learning Techniques (Cheng Chiang Huang) – supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  9. Machine Learning for Efficient Resource Allocation Strategies in Multi-Domain Communication Network (Wenyu Lin) – supervisor: Jiajing Zhang
  10. Investigation of smart routing and queue management for on the fly processing (Mao Xinwei) – supervisor: Andreas Ingo Grohmann
  11. Zentrales Kreuzungsmanagement für autonome Fahrzeuge über die Mobilfunkverbindung (Dennis Metzger) – supvervisor: Oleksandr Zhdanenko
  12. Influence of an Intermediate Node in an Adaptive Video Streaming System (Alberto Marugán Torres, 2017) – supervisor: Robert-Steve Schmoll and Alexander Kropp
  13. Offloading Traffic from cellular networks using networking coding and cooperation (Roberto Torre Arranz, 2017) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen and Sreekrishna Pandi
  14. Compressed Sensing and Blind Source Separation based Audio Signal Analysis (Liheng Feng) – supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu and Maroua Taghouti
  15. Blind Source Separation based Anomaly Detection (Shuyue Cheng) – supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu

Student/Bachelor Thesis/Project Work

  1. Encrypted VR Game Traffic Analysis: Inferring Game and Activity Patterns (Bharat Veauli) – Supervisor: Yushan Yang, Giang T. Ngyuyen
  2. Design and Optimized Vibration Control and Streamlined Communication for FingerTac in AR/VR Interactions (Guangehen Zhu) – Supervisor: Yushan Yang, Giang T. Nguyen
  3. Implementation of Explainability Methods in AI (Chenjun Wu) – Supervisor: Jonas Schulz
  4. Feature Descriptor Dimensionality Reduction for Edge-Assisted Visual SLAM (Nico vom Hofe) – Supervisor: Johannes Hofer
  5. Model einer robotergeführten WOK-Pfanne für den Kücheneinsatz (Robyn Gehler) – Supervisor: Christian Scheunert
  6. A System-level Non-terrestrial Network Simulator (Lyuqiao Zhong) – Supervisor: Jiajing Zhang
  7. Exploring Efficient Time-aware Shaper Configurations for the Fully Centralized TSN Network Controller (Abraham Payasian) – Supervisor: Hosein K. Nazari, Stefan Senk, How-Hang Liu
  8. Lightweight and low-latency communication between AR glasses and FingerTac (Josef Gudnason) – Supervisor: Prof. Giang T. Nguyen
  9. Evaluation on the use of commodity WiFi hardware for testing out physical layer key generation schemes (Markus Schmidl) – Supervisor: Hosein K. Nazari
  10. Disaggregated Radio Access Network Latency Analysis (Fengmin Shen) – Supervisor: Andreas Grohmann, Mauri Seidel
  11. Investigation oft he Influence of Video Encoding on Visual SLAM Systems (Jannek Steinke) – Supervisor: Johannes Hofer
  12. Coding Strategies for Preserving Data in High Mobility MANETs (Tobias Trenschel) – Supervisor: Paul Schwenteck
  13. Time-Sensitive Networking Extensions for Future Industrial 5G Systems (Kunru Zou) – Supervisor: Stefan Senk, Hosein K. Nazari, How-Hang Liu
  14. A lightweight orchestrator in Mobile Edge Cloud (Um e Habiba) – supervisor: Tung Doan
  15. Evaluation and Simulation of Common Randomness Generation for Physical Layer (Yang Xu) – Supervisor: Mauri Seidel, Jennifer Gabriel
  16. Network slicing with programmable switches (Tobias Scheinert) – Supervisor: Giang T. Nguyen
  17. Investigation of requesting strategies in MARS (Xingyu Zhou) – Supervisor: Paul Schwenteck, Sandra Zimmermann
  18. Speeding up Defense Mechanisms Against Pollution Attacks (Juncen Zhong) – Supervisor: Jennifer Gabriel, Mauri Seidel
  19. Marina traffic prediction at water locks (Frederik Ptok) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  20. Relay Positioning for UAVs on Construction Site Communication (Jiakang Weng) – Supervisor: Jiajing Zhang
  21. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Handovers in Mobile Networks (Xianran Liu) – Supervisor: Johannes Busch, Christian Vielhaus
  22. Rate control algorithms for WiFi with machine learning (Mingyu Ma) – Supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  23. Design and Analysis of a Test Bed for IETF Network Slicing (Yankai Su) – Supervisor: Stefan Senk, Jennifer Gabriel
  24. Study of Cellular Connection Latency and Outage Detection (Jennifer Schwardt) – Supervisor: David Nophut
  25. Evaluation of the NetFPGA platform for network testing (Johannes Hofer) – Supervisor: Justus Rischke
  26. Study of Cloud Radio Access Network and Edge Computing in High-Altitude Platforms and Nanosatellites – Supervisor: Riccardo Bassoli
  27. Control of a mobile robotic system from an edge cloud (Hendrik Thilo Hostombe) – Supervisor: Peter Sossalla
  28. Transparente Datenverschlüsselung in Kubernetes (Silvio Ankermann) – supervisor: Jennifer Gabriel
  29. Implementation of Unidirectional Reliable Oracle Structured Stream Compression (Liyao Qu) – supervisor: Máté Tömösközi
  30. Anomaly detection with blind source separation (Silvia Margarit) – supervisor: Huanzhuo Wu
  31. Mobility-aware Task Offloading in Device-enhanced MEC Network (Yilun, Hai) – supervisor: Mahshid Mehrabi
  32. Configuration of a TSN and SDN capable network node using OpenDaylight in a time sensitive industrial context (Lukas Pingel) – supervisor: Marian Ulbrucht
  33. Improving the robustness of congestion control algorithms based on deep reinforcement learning (Helmut Michael Zeisel) – supervisor: Christian Vielhaus
  34. Achieving low latency by enabling network-aware migration for stateful applications in Mobile Edge Cloud (Chenglin Ding) – supervisor: Tung Doan
  35. Delay Evaluation of Fulcrum Network Coding Variations (Jiawei Li, 2020) – supervisor: Vu Nguyen
  36. Optimizing computation offloading decision in Deviced-enhanced MEC system (Yuanfei Wang) – supervisor: Mahshid Mehrabi
  37. Mobility-aware task offloading in Device-enhanced MEC network (Hai Yilun) – supervisor: Mahshid Mehrabi
  38. Study of network conditions of Thread networks of upcoming 5G IoT sensor networks (Adrian Bretschneider Perez)- supervisor: Andreas Ingo Grohmann
  39. Efficient Multi-hop Broadcasting using Intra-Flow and Inter-Flow Network Coding(Yueyue Gao) – supervisor: Chistopher Lehmann
  40. Study on Data Dissemination in VANETS using LTE and IEEE802.11p (Kai Michael) – supervisor: Chistopher Lehmann
  41. Selection of Forwarding Nodes in Platooning Applications (BeiBei Wu) – supervisor: Chistopher Lehmann
  42. Evaluierung bedientheoretischer Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Leistungsbewertung von modernen Kommunikationsnetzen (Paul Schwenteck) – supervisor: Rico Radeke
  43. Implementation of Overlapping Progressive Shortening for Unequal-Sized Packets (Xiaoyan Yu) – supervisor: Maroua Taghouti
  44. Comprehensive Comparison on MEC Live Service Migration between Docker containers and Virtual Machines (Florian Kemser) – supervisor: Roberto Torre
  45. Evaluation Adaptive Placement and Migration Approaches for Cloud Applications on the Network Softwarization Emulator (Carl Collmann) – supervisor: Zuo Xiang
  46. Evaluation of the Loss Rate on Multipath Wireless Communication (Lingjie Ji) – supervisor: Elif Tasdemir
  47. Feasibility Study for High Mobility Wireless Mesh Networks using Drones (Funing Xia) – supervisor: Simon Wunderlich
  48. Implementation of Sliding Window Compressed Sensing (Pablo Millàn) – supervisor: Maroua Taghouti
  49. Analysis and Improvement of the Docker Container State Migration Algorithm (Xiaochu Tan) – supervisor: Roberto Torre
  50. Host Redundancy in the Cloud for Failsafe Operation (Ning Guo) – supervisor: Ievgenii Tsokalo
  51. Evaluation of Machine Learning Models in Wireless Networks for Compressed Real-time Traffic Optimisation (Yiqi Tang) – supervisor: Máté Tömösközi
  52. Optimization of Random Linear Network Coding Protocols for Multipath Communications in Heterogeneous Networks (Clara Costa Sala) – supervisor: Roberto Torre Arranz
  53. Study and Evaluation of Resilience in Multipath Mesh Networks (Pau de la Cuesta) – supervisor: Sreekrishna Pandi
  54. Optimising and Learning Coding Parameters (Christian Vielhaus) – supervisor: Vincent Latzko
  55. Comparison and Evaluation of Boot Times for Virtualized Instances (Tobias Fischer, 2019) – supervisor: Robert-Steve Schmoll
  56. Improving Simultaneous Migration Time of Virtual Machines using SDN (Anna Triginer Perera, 2019) – supervisor: Robert-Steve Schmoll
  57. Performance monitoring in a Software-defined network with OpenFlow (Peter Sossalla) – supervisor: Justus Rischke
  58. Implementation and evaluation of different live migration strategies for Service Function Chaining(SFC) on the OpenStack platform (Alex Sarmanow) – supervisor: Zuo Xiang
  59. Reliable Service Migration inside a Mobile Edge Cloud using unikernel and comparison with other techniques (Arnau Gorchs Viladrich) – supervisor: Roberto Torre Arranz
  60. Implementation of Unequal-sized Packets Network Coding for Robust Header Compression version 2 Compressed IP-based Multimedia Streams (Malte Höweler) – supervisor: Máté Tömösközi and Maroua Taghouti
  61. Energy Consumption Measurement for Fulcrum Adaptive Decoding (Edward Rupp, 2018) – supervisor: Vu Nguyen
  62. Implementation of Network Coding in XDK Sensors (Borja Macho Pisano, 2018) – supervisor: Maroua Taghouti
  63. Investigation of single-hop Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication based on IEEE802.11p (Jiajing Zhang, 2018) – supervisor: Christopher Lehmann
  64. Telepresence Demonstrator – Remote Controlled Car via Augmented Reality (Renbing Zhang, 2018) – supervisor: Alexander Kropp and Vincent Latzko
  65. Emulating and visualizing real-world networks in OpenStack environment (Ruifeng Gao, 2018) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  66. Improving FSC performance with Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) (Zhongyi Fan, 2018) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  67. Wireless link emulation in OpenStack (Sebastian Willmer, 2017) – supervisor: Giang Nguyen
  68. Evaluation of Sliding Window network Coding with NS3 Wifi (Marek Sobe, 2017) – supervisor: Frank Gabriel
  69. Distributed cloud with metal as a service on commodity Hardware of Cloud & Heat GmbH (Stefan Senk, 2017) – supervisor: Juan Cabrera