Open Topics in the Area of Post-Shannon Communication, Guesswork, and Molecular Communications

Post-Shannon Communication

  • TBA


Guessing Noise to Decode Messages

Supervisor: Juan Cabrera

An ideal channel decoder would implement a maximum likelihood decoding technique to guess what message was transmitted. This is guessing which codeword was sent by maximizing the probability of receiving the obtained message. Because this is computationally complex, channel codes are designed backward. I.e., the design of a low-complexity decoder comes first followed by the encoder. This limits the type of codes that can be used because not all codes can be decoded in practical time. However, researchers from MIT and Maynooth University have proven that by guessing the noise in the transmission channel instead of the message, you can obtain results similar to a maximum likelihood decoder. The mathematical proof is complicated, yet the principle of operation is quite simple: If you receive a stream of bits that is not a valid codeword, you can flip one bit and ask if the new codeword is a valid one. If it is not, flip a different bit and repeat the process. If the probability of an error bit is low, then with a few flips and questions it is possible to decode. This opens the door to new codes since the decoding process is universal and potentially independent of the code used. We want to implement these novel techniques into our wireless system. To do that, we want to use Software Defined Radio to build the wireless channel and benchmark the novel decoder with state of the art codecs.

Molecular Communications

Molecular Communication for Leakage Detection Scenarios

Supervisor: Pit Hofmann, Pengjie Zhou

Inspired by our surrounding nature, molecular communication uses molecules and nano-particles as information carriers. Mainly intended for communication at the micro- and nano-scale level due to its biocompatibility and energy efficiency compared to conventional wireless systems, there is also a promising application for molecular communication in the macro-scale range with leakage detection. Leakage detection describes the process of identifying, locating, and assessing the presence of leaks in various system setups, such as pipelines, containers, or structures. The task involves investigating the potential of employing molecular communication principles for detecting leaks in a predefined system. The setup contains a mobile robot, e.g., a robot arm or the Boston Dynamics Spot robot dog, for exploring a room and a sensory part. The aim is to develop a robust and efficient system capable of detecting and localizing leaks in environments where traditional methods may be impractical or insufficient. The thesis will delve into the fundamentals of molecular communication, exploring how signaling molecules can be utilized to convey information about the presence and location of leaks. Furthermore, the research will focus on designing and implementing experimental setups to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Through this study, the goal is to contribute to the advancement of leak detection technologies, particularly in scenarios where conventional methods face limitations.

  • Starting time: Immediate
  • Student and Diploma/Master thesis
  • Required skills: basic knowledge of electrical engineering/communication science, Python
  • Motivation Links: