Communication Networks 1 / Kommunikationsnetze 1


Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Fitzek Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Fitzek

Teaching Assistants

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Scheinert Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Scheinert

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Senk Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Senk

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Vielhaus Dipl.-Ing. Christian Vielhaus

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Hofer Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Hofer

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Paul Schwenteck Dipl.-Ing. Paul Schwenteck

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Pit Hofmann Dipl.-Ing. Pit Hofmann

Please contact Tobias for general questions and problems, and for specific issues the corresponding teaching assistant.


In this lecture the students will learn about the basic principles for communication systems. An important role has the layered communication protocol stack that allows for a global network with large flexibility. The different layers will be introduced and prominent protocols are discussed more in detail. Together with simple programming examples the students should understand the basic approach of communication networks. The lecture will also link the teaching content with ongoing research activities at the chair.

Course Information

  • The course as well as the exam will only be offered during the summer semester.
  • Language: German (material will be provided in English)
  • Course Number:
  • Compulsory course (ET/IT: 6th semester)
  • 2 2 0 (lecture/seminar/practical course)
  • Written exam: 150min

Important Links


We request all students to enrol on the OPAL course and to join the TUD Matrix Chatroom. See links above.

Time Schedule Summer Semester 2024

DateTypeLocationTopicYoutube Videos
2024-04-09L1-1BAR/0I88/UOrganization, Introduction of ComNets ChairL0-01 to L0-02
2024-04-11L1-2BAR/0I88/UHistory and Introduction of Communication Systems/MotivationL1-01 to L1-03
2024-04-16L2BAR/0I88/UConcept of a layered model, 7 ISO/OSI model, StandardizationL2-01 to L2-06
2024-04-18L3-1 + H1BAR/0I88/U[L1: PHY-Layer] Error Correction + Hands-On: Molecular Transmission
2024-04-23L3-2BAR/0I88/U[L1: PHY-Layer] Symbol and Bits, Different mediumsL3-01 to L3-06
2024-04-25L4BAR/0I88/U[L2: Data Link Layer] Channel Access, CSMA, CDMAL4-01 to L4-03
2024-04-30E1BAR/0I88/UIntroduction & ISO-OSI Layer Model: Example tasks and protocols per layer-
2024-05-02E2BAR/0I88/UThroughput calculation-
2024-05-07L5BAR/0I88/U[L2: Data Link Layer] FEC and ARQ, IEEE802.3 Ethernet, Hub CommunicationL4-04 to L4-06
2024-05-09Ascension Day---
2024-05-14L6BAR/0I88/U[L2: Data Link Layer] IEEE802.11 WiFi, Throughput/LatencyL4-07 to L4-08
2024-05-16E3BAR/0I88/UError detection with CRC and Hamming code-
2024-05-21E4BAR/0I88/USliding Window; ARQ; Collision Detection-
2024-05-30E5BAR/0I88/UCellular vs WiFi; ARQ with Losses; Interframe Spacing and Throughput with WiFi-
2024-06-04L7BAR/0I88/U[L3: Network Layer] Graph Theory: Max Flow Min Cut, Dijkstra, Mean Hop in Mesh Networks, Network Coding 101L5-01 to L5-05
2024-06-06L8BAR/0I88/U[L3: Network Layer] Switching, IP Networking, Queuing TheoryL5-06 to L5-09
2024-06-11E6BAR/0I88/UTopologies, Min-Cut/Ford-Fulkerson; Dijkstra, Multi-Hop/Mean Number of Hops-
2024-06-13E7BAR/0I88/USwitching Technology; IP address calculation (IPv4, IPv6); Networking Tools 101-
2024-06-20E8BAR/0I88/UTCP vs. UDP, Congestion Control-
2024-06-25E9BAR/0I88/UHigher Layers: HTTP, TLS, Source Coding; Coding Examples with Python
2024-06-27L9 + L10BAR/0I88/U[L4: Transport Layer] UDP, TCP, Header, Variants, QUIC, Coded TCP
[L5-7:S,P,A-1] Higher Layer Protocols, RTP, SIP, Source Coding, Video Codecs
L6-01 to L7-01
2024-07-02E10BAR/0I88/UBasics of 5G
2024-07-04H2BAR/0I88/UHands-On Session-
2024-07-09H3BAR/0I88/UHands-On Session-
2024-07-16H4BAR/0I88/UHands-On Session-
2024-07-18E11BAR/0I86C/UBGP, Autonomous Systems; How does the internet work?-
t.b.d.Exam consultationt.b.d.Your topics!-
Lecture, Exercise of SS2024-
t.b.d.Exam Reviewt.b.d.--


  • L – Lecture
  • E – Exercise
  • H – Hands-On
  • t.b.d. – to be determined