PhD Researcher
Frank Gabriel received the Dipl.-Inf. degree in computer science from the Technical University Chemnitz, Germany, in 2011. He worked as a IT Service Management consultant before he joined the “Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks” at TU Dresden in 2015. His current research focus is multipath communication with high reliability and low latency requirements (URLLC).
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Diploma Thesis
Study Thesis
Problem Based Learning
Tasdemir, Elif; Cabrera, Juan A.; Gabriel, Frank; You, Dongho; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Sliding Window RLNC on Multi-Hop Communication for Low Latency Proceedings Article
In: 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2021-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, 2021.
@inproceedings{Tasd2021:Sliding, title = {Sliding Window RLNC on Multi-Hop Communication for Low Latency}, author = {Elif {Tasdemir} and Juan A. {Cabrera} and Frank {Gabriel} and Dongho {You} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-04-25}, urldate = {2021-04-25}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2021-Spring}, address = {Helsinki, Finland}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Cabrera, Juan A.; Steppert, Raphael; Gabriel, Frank; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Do not Waste the Waste: Packetized Rateless Algebraic Consistency for IEEE 802.11 Networks Proceedings Article
In: 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2021.
@inproceedings{9120818, title = {Do not Waste the Waste: Packetized Rateless Algebraic Consistency for IEEE 802.11 Networks}, author = {Juan A. {Cabrera} and Raphael {Steppert} and Frank {Gabriel} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-03-29}, urldate = {2021-03-29}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Tasdemir, Elif; Tömösközi, Máté; Cabrera, Juan A.; Gabriel, Frank; You, Dongho; Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Reisslein, Martin
SpaRec: Sparse Systematic RLNC Recoding in Multi-hop Networks Journal Article
In: IEEE Access, pp. 1-1, 2021.
Links | BibTeX
@article{tasdemir2021sparec, title = {SpaRec: Sparse Systematic RLNC Recoding in Multi-hop Networks}, author = {Elif {Tasdemir} and M\'{a}t\'{e} {T\"{o}m\"{o}sk\"{o}zi} and Juan A. {Cabrera} and Frank {Gabriel} and Dongho {You} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek} and Martin {Reisslein}}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3137209}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, urldate = {2021-01-01}, journal = {IEEE Access}, pages = {1-1}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} }
Grohmann, Andreas I.; Gabriel, Frank; Zimmermann, Sandra; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
SourceShift: Resilient Routing in Highly Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks Proceedings Article
In: 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (IEEE WCNC 2020), Seoul, Korea (South), 2020.
@inproceedings{Grohmann2020, title = {SourceShift: Resilient Routing in Highly Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks}, author = {Andreas I. {Grohmann} and Frank {Gabriel} and Sandra {Zimmermann} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-04-05}, booktitle = {2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (IEEE WCNC 2020)}, address = {Seoul, Korea (South)}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Tasdemir, Elif; Lehmann, Christopher; Nophut, David; Gabriel, Frank; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Vehicle Platooning: Sliding Window RLNC for Low Latency and High Resilience Proceedings Article
In: IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on V2X Technologies for Next Generation Driving Paradigm (IEEE ICC'20 Workshop – V2X-NGD), Dublin, Ireland, 2020.
@inproceedings{Tasd2006:Vehicle, title = {Vehicle Platooning: Sliding Window RLNC for Low Latency and High Resilience}, author = {Elif {Tasdemir} and Christopher {Lehmann} and David {Nophut} and Frank {Gabriel} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, url = {}, doi = {10.1109/ICCWorkshops49005.2020.9145196}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, urldate = {2020-01-01}, booktitle = {IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on V2X Technologies for Next Generation Driving Paradigm (IEEE ICC\'20 Workshop \textendash V2X-NGD)}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Rischke, Justus; Gabriel, Frank; Pandi, Sreekrishna; Nguyen, Giang T.; Salah, Hani; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Improving Communication Reliability Efficiently: Adaptive Redundancy for RLNC in SDN Proceedings Article
In: 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (NetSoft 2019), Paris, France, 2019.
@inproceedings{Risc1906:Improving, title = {Improving Communication Reliability Efficiently: Adaptive Redundancy for RLNC in SDN}, author = {Justus {Rischke} and Frank {Gabriel} and Sreekrishna {Pandi} and Giang T. {Nguyen} and Hani {Salah} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-06-01}, booktitle = {2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (NetSoft 2019)}, address = {Paris, France}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Xiang, Zuo; Gabriel, Frank; Urbano, Elena; Nguyen, Giang T.; Reisslein, Martin; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Reducing Latency in Virtual Machines Enabling Tactile Internet for Human Machine Co-working Journal Article
In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1098-1116, 2019, ISSN: 0733-8716.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX
@article{Xian1803:Reducing, title = {Reducing Latency in Virtual Machines Enabling Tactile Internet for Human Machine Co-working}, author = {Zuo {Xiang} and Frank {Gabriel} and Elena {Urbano} and Giang T. {Nguyen} and Martin {Reisslein} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, doi = {10.1109/JSAC.2019.2906788}, issn = {0733-8716}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-05-01}, journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications}, volume = {37}, number = {5}, pages = {1098-1116}, address = {, USA}, abstract = {Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) processed in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) cloud systems have been proposed as critical paradigms for achieving the low latency requirements of the tactile Internet. While virtual network functions (VNFs) allow greater flexibility compared to hardware based solutions, the VNF abstraction also introduces additional packet processing delays. In this paper, we investigate the practical feasibility of NFV with respect to the tactile Internet latency requirements. We develop, implement, and evaluate Chain bAsed Low latency VNF ImplemeNtation (CALVIN), a low-latency management framework for distributed Service Function Chains (SFCs). CALVIN classifies VNFs into elementary, basic, and advanced VNFs. CALVIN implements elementary and basic VNFs in the kernel space, while advanced VNFs are implemented in the user space. Throughout, CALVIN employs a distributed mapping with one VNF per Virtual Machine (VM) in a MEC system. Moreover, CALVIN avoids the metadata structure processing and batch processing of packets in the conventional Linux networking stack so as to achieve short per-packet latencies. Our rigorous measurements on off-the-shelf conventional networking and computing hardware demonstrate that CALVIN achieves round-trip times from a MEC ingress point via an elementary forwarding VNF and a MEC server to a MEC egress point on the order of 0.32~ms. Our measurements also indicate that MEC network coding and encryption are feasible for small 256 byte packets with an MEC latency budget of .35~ms; whereas, large 1400 byte packets can complete the network coding, but not the encryption within the 0.35~ms.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} }
Gabriel, Frank; Rischke, Justus; Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Mühleisen, Maciej; Lohmar, Thorsten
No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy: On Gains of Coded Multipath over MPTCP in Dynamic Settings Proceedings Article
In: 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (IEEE WCNC 2019), Marrakech, Morocco, 2019.
Abstract | BibTeX
@inproceedings{Risc1904:No, title = {No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy: On Gains of Coded Multipath over MPTCP in Dynamic Settings}, author = {Frank {Gabriel} and Justus {Rischke} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek} and Maciej {M\"{u}hleisen} and Thorsten {Lohmar}}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-04-15}, booktitle = {2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (IEEE WCNC 2019)}, address = {Marrakech, Morocco}, abstract = {Systems for assisted and autonomous driving increasingly depend on information received and updated through wireless communication. But wireless communication often faces performance degradation because of its dynamic nature. Using multiple available communication channels, such as WiFi, LTE or 5G New Radio, simultaneously can increase the throughput and reliability, but also increases the dynamics of the system. MPTCP estimates the channel capacity and latency and schedule packets accordingly. However, in conditions with unstable channels MPTCP fails to fully utilize the available capacity. In this paper, we propose the use of Network Coding to efficiently utilize the available resources. We use a channel agnostic, random scheduler to maximize the utilization of all available channels. This prevents underestimations, but also produces a high number of packet loss and duplicate transmissions. We use Network Coding to repair the losses and reduce the overhead of redundant data. Our implementation of this protocol is evaluated against MPTCP in an emulated multipath network with time-varying path properties. The evaluation shows, that the proposed protocol utilizes the channels efficiently even in unstable conditions. In the evaluated dynamic network, the proposed protocol efficiently utilizes 94% of the available capacity, while MPTCP is below 80% due to underestimation. While our protocol is not suitable for general purpose traffic, it provides good performance for large file transfers in unstable wireless multipath networks.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Pandi, Sreekrishna; Gabriel, Frank; Zhdanenko, Oleksandr; Wunderlich, Simon; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
MESHMERIZE: An Interactive Demo of Resilient Mesh Networks in Drones Proceedings Article
In: 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2019), Las Vegas, USA, 2019.
@inproceedings{Pand1901:MESHMERIZE, title = {MESHMERIZE: An Interactive Demo of Resilient Mesh Networks in Drones}, author = {Sreekrishna {Pandi} and Frank {Gabriel} and Oleksandr {Zhdanenko} and Simon {Wunderlich} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, booktitle = {2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications \& Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2019)}, address = {Las Vegas, USA}, abstract = {Meshmerize is an opportunistic multi-path wireless mesh routing protocol designed for dynamic networks. It ensures persistent connectivity to even mobile nodes in the network. Classical mesh routing protocols fail frequently when the nodes are mobile. In this demo, we demonstrate the resilience of Meshmerize and the shortcomings of the classical protocols using an emulated drone network. The audience can pilot a (virtual) drone in a city through a meshed network of base stations and experience the latency and reliability of both protocols first hand.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }
Gabriel, Frank; Acevedo, Javier; Fitzek, Frank H. P.
Network Coding on Wireless Multipath for Tactile Internet with Latency and Resilience Requirements Proceedings Article
In: 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: Tactile Internet (Globecom2018 SAC TI), 2018.
@inproceedings{gabriel18network, title = {Network Coding on Wireless Multipath for Tactile Internet with Latency and Resilience Requirements}, author = {Frank {Gabriel} and Javier {Acevedo} and Frank H. P. {Fitzek}}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-12-08}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: Tactile Internet (Globecom2018 SAC TI)}, abstract = {Many envisioned applications for the Tactile Internet require latencies that cannot be achieved by current wireless networks. In this paper, we present a method to optimize the reliability of a live stream using multiple paths. Compared to other approaches, our method does not rely on feedback to achieve the reliability and thus does not add delay for retransmission attempts. We use the diversity of multiple paths to compensate for the loss of capacity in individual paths. By using an FEC code to generate redundant data the transmission is more robust against fluctuations in capacity of single paths. We present an optimization problem to find a rate allocation for the paths that minimizes the interruptions of the stream. The performance is evaluated in an emulated network based on real-world measurements. The evaluation shows that the theoretical values can be achieved with a small margin. The optimized allocation of rates to the paths increases the reliability by up to 12%.With coding the reliability can be increased by up to 20%, depending on the code rate.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }