Internet of Energy (IoE)

We’re seeking enthusiastic and skilled students to join our team, where you can explore your passion for future energy management systems. We offer different opportunities for projects, student/bachelor thesis, diploma/master thesis. If you are interested in this, please contact : or  


The pathway to carbon neutrality is reshaping our traditional electricity consumption patterns. Historically reliant on centralized power utilities, we are witnessing a paradigm shift towards decentralized energy models. An increasing number of households and companies are shifting towards renewable energy solutions, notably solar panels, leading to the establishment of microgrids. These microgrids not only function autonomously but also possess the potential to feed excess energy back into the primary grid. As we advance into this new energy frontier, electric vehicles (EVs) are set to play a pivotal role. With the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capability, EVs can serve as both consumers and providers of energy, enhancing grid flexibility but also adding further complexity. Leveraging cutting-edge communication technology such as 5G, we can seamlessly integrate multiple microgrids with EVs on the move. By tapping into the synergy among these entities and utilizing AI coupled with advanced optimization techniques, we pave the way for a more sustainable future.


General tasks encompass three main areas: the development of testbeds, the creation of simulations, and the design of algorithms. Specifics can be tailored based on individual student preferences and interests.


Smart Grid, V2G, Optimization, IoE

Basic requirements:

1. Currently enrolled in a degree program in Electrical and Computer Engineering or a related field.
2. Experience in one of the following programming languages: Python, Java, or C++.
3. Fluent in English or German.
4. Knowledge of optimization algorithms and AI is a plus.