Elif Tasdemir

Dr.-Ing. Elif Tasdemir

Postdoctoral Researcher

Elif Tasdemir obtained her Ph.D. degree in February 2023 at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden. Title of  her Ph.D. thesis  is Computational Complexity and Delay Reduction for RLNC Single and Multi-hop Communications. In Turkey, she has earned a bachelors degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and a masters in Communication Engineering in 2012 and 2015, respectively.

Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden. She is working in 5G-OPERA project which is exploring the 5G Open RAN technology.


Email: elif.tasdemir@tu-dresden.de

Phone: +49 351 463-39985

Office: BAR I29


  • Evaluation of the Loss Rate on Multipath Wireless Communication (Student Thesis – Lingjie Ji)
  • Evaluation of coding window size of sliding window RLNC for vehicle platooning traffic scenarios (Diploma Thesis- Paul Schwenteck) – supervisor: Elif Tasdemir, Rico Radeke


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Tasdemir, Elif; Lehmann, Christopher; Nophut, David; Gabriel, Frank; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Vehicle Platooning: Sliding Window RLNC for Low Latency and High Resilience Proceedings Article

In: IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop on V2X Technologies for Next Generation Driving Paradigm (IEEE ICC'20 Workshop – V2X-NGD), Dublin, Ireland, 2020.



Nguyen, Vu; Tasdemir, Elif; Nguyen, Giang T.; Rötter, Daniel E. Lucani; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Tunable Expansion Packets for Fulcrum Codes Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless 2019 (EW 2019), 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX

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