M.Sc. Buniechukwu Njoku

PhD Researcher


Email: buniechukwu_chidike.njoku@tu-dresden.de
Office: Barkhausenbau I/43,
Georg-Schumann-Straße 11,
01187, Dresden


Professional Summary

Buniechukwu Njoku is pursuing a doctoral degree in Quantum Communication for 5G and future networks. His research investigates, designs and implements link layer features for a hybrid (quantum-classical) campus network project. He holds a master degree in Advanced Electronics Systems Engineering from the University of Burgundy, France. Prior to master study, he worked for 3 years as a contractor(Centdoor Ltd) on high capacity IP-MPLS integration for radio access networks at Nokia Nigeria.


Research Interests

Quantum Link Layer aspects of RAN & X-Haul Transport

Quantum-Classical Link Layer Integration





Review service

IEEE European Wireless 2023

Reviewer IEEE GLOBECOM workshop 2023