M.Sc. Hilal Sultan Duranoglu Tunc

PhD Researcher


Email: hilal_sultan.duranoglu_tunc@tu-dresden.de
Room: BAR I/42a

Hilal Sultan Duranoglu Tunc graduated from Yildiz Technical University (Istanbul) as an electrical engineer in 2009. After that, she worked as a SAP consultant for a while. In 2019, she completed her first master’s degree in electronics at Atatürk University. While her master’s thesis focused on machine learning algorithms and biomedical signal processing, the research project she worked on during her master’s thesis focused on the production of covetic wire, which provides ultraconductivity. Between 2019-2021, she completed her second master’s thesis in the Electronics Department of Gaziantep University. In her second master thesis, she worked on gain-switched short pulse generation from 1.55 µM InAs/InP/(113)B quantum dot lasers. During her second master’s thesis, she was also involved in teaching electronics, microwave engineering, digital design, Matlab laboratory trainings to students in the undergraduate program of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Hilal Sultan Duranoglu Tunc has been working as a research assistant at TU Dresden since March 2022. She is mainly working on Quantum Communication from July 2023. She taught the Quantum Key distribution lecture as a teaching assistant in Communication Networks course in 2023.





Biswas, Sonai; Zhang, Qian; Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Czarske, Juergen; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Hybrid Scheduler on Single-mode Fiber and Multimode Fiber for Quantum-Classical Co-transmission Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2025.


Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Distributed Quantum Routing With Fidelity Assurance in Memory-Free Networks Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Milan, Italy, 2025.



Menina, Abdelkrim; Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Yilmaz, Ayse Nur; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Resilient Graph Partitioning for Quantum Networks Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), pp. 1-6, Dubai, UAE, 2024.


Biswas, Sonai; Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Garbugli, Andrea; Foschini, Luca; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Towards a Hybrid 6G Internet Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), pp. 1-6, Dubai, UAE, 2024.


Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Badia, Leonardo; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Strategic Interaction over Pump Power for Fidelity in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless (EW), pp. 5, Brno, Czech Republic, 2024.


Bayleyegn, Abebu Ademe; Bassoli, Riccardo; Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Impact of Network Latency on Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Repeaters Network Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless (EW), pp. 6, Brno, Czech Republic, 2024.



Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Wang, Yingjian; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Machine Learning Based Attack Detection for Quantum Key Distribution Proceedings Article

In: World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 1-6, Aveiro, Portugal, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Badia, Leonardo; Tunc, Hilal Sultan Duranoglu; Aka, Aynur Cemre; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Strategic Interaction over Age of Information on a Quantum Wiretap Channel Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless (EW), Rome, Italy, 2023.
