M.Sc. Marius Paul

PhD Researcher

Marius Paul is a PhD Researcher at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks and part of the Quantum Communication Networks Research group. He received his B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Ulm and his M.Sc. in Physics at the University of Tübingen (both in Germany), in 2019 and 2022 respectively.


Email: marius.paul@tu-dresden.de

Phone: +49 351 463-40862

Room: BAR/I43


  • WS22/23: Communication Networks 3 – Preliminaries of Quantum Mechanics



Nande, Swaraj Shekhar; Lhamo, Osel; Paul, Marius; Biswas, Sonai; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Quantum Machine Learning for Controller Placement in Software Defined Networks Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless (EW), Rome, Italy, 2023.


Nande, Swaraj Shekhar; Lhamo, Osel; Paul, Marius; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Quantum Time Synchronization for Satellite Networks Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Aerospace Conference 2023 (AeroConf 2023), IEEE, Montana, USA, 2023.

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Nande, Swaraj Shekhar; Paul, Marius; Senk, Stefan; Ulbricht, Marian; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Boche, Holger

Quantum Enhanced Time Synchronisation for Communication Network Journal Article

In: Computer Networks, 2023.

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Paul, Marius; Cabrera, Juan A.; Bassoli, Riccardo; Pedersen, Morten V.; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Spooky RLNC at a Distance: Exploiting Quantum Entanglement to Convey Coding Coefficients Proceedings Article

In: 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), pp. 814-819, 2022.

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