M.Sc. Prashanth K. H. Sheshagiri

PhD Researcher

Prashanth Kumar Herooru Sheshagiri is a PhD Researcher at Deutsche Telekom Chair for Communication Networks. His primary research is in Post-Shannon Communication. Post-Shannon aims to increase the efficiency of communication system by introducing novel information theory and coding techniques. Currently, he is researching algorithms and system design for generating Common Randomness in Software Defined Radios. Common Randomness has applications not just in physical layer secret key generation but also in identification, and network coding. The motivation for this research is to practically realise Semantic Based Communications (Identification) in SDR.

Prashanth completed his MSc at RWTH Aachen in 2021 and finished his B.E. at MVIT Bangalore, (affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University) in 2016. He has experience in working on Software Defined Radios in companies like National Instruments, Dresden and AKKA Technologies, Köln (currently AKKODIS) and did his master thesis on 5G MIMO Codebook design at Rohde & Schwarz, München.

Research Interests

  • Post-Shannon Communication
  • Software Define Radios
  • Common Randomness


  • 6G-life


  • European Wireless 2022


Email: prashanth[dot]sheshagiri[at]tu[hyphen]dresden[dot]de
Office: Building “Barkhausenbau (BAR)“, Georg-Schumann-Str. 11, 01187 Dresden, Germany, Room BAR I/40
Phone: +49 35146343919



Sheshagiri, Prashanth K. H.; Cabrera, Juan A.; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Repurposing Physical Layer Secret Keys: A Novel Paradigm for Common Randomness Generation Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 2024.


Sheshagiri, Prashanth K. H.; Cabrera, Juan A.; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Improving Common Randomness Rate using Software Defined Radios Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) - Demo, Vancouver, Canada, 2024.



Sheshagiri, Prashanth K. H.; Das, Siddharth; Cabrera, Juan A.; Bassoli, Riccardo; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Common Randomness Generation for Information Theoretic Security in Post-Quantum Internet of Things Proceedings Article

In: World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023), pp. 1-6, Aveiro, Portugal, 2023.

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