Shiwei Shen

M.Sc. Shiwei Shen

PhD Researcher

Shiwei Shen has a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Computer Engineering, with a concentration on communication networks. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, earning recognition including the RWTH Dean’s List Award and the FFV Master Thesis Award. His practical expertise was enhanced during an internship at Ericsson Eurolab, where he concentrated on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) relaying. In addition to his studies, he also has experience in full-stack web development.

He is currently a Ph.D. student at TU Dresden’s Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks. His present work revolves around the DymoBat project, which goal is to develop marketable solutions for future energy grid management for the use of distributed energy resources based on the application of 5G technologies. His research interest includes Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), Internet of Energy (IoE), Optimization, and Spectrum Sharing. Complementing his research, he served as a reviewer for conferences and journals, such as European Wireless, IEEE TNSM, and IEEE Access.


Office: Building BAR S16
Phone: 0351 46340779

Research Interests

  • Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
  • Internet of Energy (IoE)
  • Optimization



Current open topics: link

  • Diploma thesis:
    • Xiaoyan Yu “Task offloading in Device-enhanced MEC System” (Finished)
    • Yilun Hai “Joint offloading and scheduling optimization in UAV assisted MEC System” (Finished)
  • Student thesis:
    • Yuhang Zhao “Testbed Development and Algorithm Design for Smart Energy Management Systems” (Finished)
  • Project work:
    • Niloofar Alirezaei “Heuristic Approaches for Real-Time Bidirectional EV Charge Scheduling” (Ongoing)
  • Hauptseminar:
    • Peter Kappelt “Playground for Intelligent Energy and Communication Networks” (Finished)
    • Reichel Moritz “Playground for Intelligent Energy and Communication Networks” (Finished)
    • Danz Lucas “Playground for Intelligent Energy and Communication Networks” (Finished)
    • Bracher Nick “Playground for Intelligent Energy and Communication Networks” (Finished)

Finished Project



Wang, Shangqing; Haider, Syed Irtaza; Shen, Shiwei; Motazedian, Faezeh; Radeke, Rico; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Simulation Architecture for Electric Vehicle Charging Optimization in Dresden's Ostra District Proceedings Article

In: pp. 1-10, Porto, Portugal, 2025.



Schert, Kelaja; Habeeb, Razan; Shen, Shiwei; Haider, Syed Irtaza; Sprengel, Charlotte Martha; Drissi, Fawez; Scholtz, Ernest; Sobe, Marek; Aniol, Franciszek; Blechschmid, Alexander

Dynamic Optimization for Smart EV Charging: Insights from the DymoBat Project Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), pp. 1-6, Pattaya, Thailand, 2024.


Schert, Kelaja; Nochta, Zoltan; Shen, Shiwei; Habeeb, Razan

An Approach to Predict the Available Storage Capacity in Battery Electric Vehicle Fleets Proceedings Article

In: International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS), Seoul, Korea, 2024.


Shen, Shiwei; Habeeb, Razan; Alirezaei, Niloofar; Schert, Kelaja; Lehnert, Ralf; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

A Heuristic for Bi-Directional Charging of Fleet EVs Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC), 2024.



Chen, Yuan; Shen, Shiwei; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Channel Quality Analysis for Spectrum Sharing Between IMT and PMSE Systems Proceedings Article

In: European Wireless (EW), Rome, Italy, 2023.



Zhang, Jiajing; Wu, Huanzhuo; Shen, Shiwei; Bassoli, Riccardo; Nguyen, Giang T.; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Evaluation of an Intelligent Task Scheduling Algorithm for 6G 3D Networking Proceedings Article

In: 2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) (MELECON 2022), Palermo, Italy, 2022.

Links | BibTeX

Acevedo, Javier; Sabouri, Shahryar; Shen, Shiwei; Keller, Christoph; Hopfe, Joerg; Reichmuth, Stefan; Hobi, Patrick; Dietrich, Marco; Jamshidi, Kambiz; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

High Bandwidth and Ultra Low-Latency Near IR Communication Network for CMOS-compatible Integrated Photonics Chips Proceedings Article

In: VDE ITG Fachtagung Photonische Netze 2022, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX


Mehrabi, Mahshid; Shen, Shiwei; Hai, Yilun; Latzko, Vincent; Koudouridis, George P.; Gelabert, Xavier; Reisslein, Martin; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Mobility- and Energy-Aware Cooperative Edge Offloading for Dependent Computation Tasks Journal Article

In: Network, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 191–214, 2021, ISSN: 2673-8732.

Links | BibTeX


Mehrabi, Mahshid; Shen, Shiwei; Latzko, Vincent; Wang, Yuanfei; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Energy-Aware Cooperative Offloading Framework for Inter-dependent and Delay-sensitive Tasks Proceedings Article

In: 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: Cloud & Fog/Edge Computing, Networking and Storage (Globecom2020 SAC CCNS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.
