Zuo Xiang

Dr.-Ing. Zuo Xiang

PhD Researcher

Zuo Xiang received his Master degree (Diplom-Ingenieur) in electrical engineering with honors from the TU Dresden, Germany, in 2018. During his PhD study, his research focused on 5G network softwarization through NFV and SDN technologies. The title of his PhD dissertation is “Ultra Low-latency, Energy-efficient and Computing-centric Software Data Plane for Network Softwarization”. In addition to his solid research skills, he is experienced in designing and developing high-performance software systems for virtualized network functions (VNFs) and server-side applications. He also has experience in 5G core network system development and has in-depth knowledge of network system design, network protocol stacks, communication protocols and operating systems.


Email: zuo.xiang@tu-dresden.de
Phone: +49 351 463-42114
Office: Barkhausenbau, BAR/I9, Georg-Schumann-Straße 11, 01187 Dresden
Online Accounts: LinkedIn, GitHub

Research Interests

  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

  • Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC)

  • Computing in the Network (COIN)


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Xiang, Zuo; Cabrera, Juan A.; Pandi, Sreekrishna; Seeling, Patrick; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

ComNetsEmu: A Lightweight Emulator Book Chapter

In: Fitzek, Frank H. P.; Granelli, Fabrizio; Seeling, Patrick (Ed.): Computing in Communication Networks – From Theory to Practice, vol. 1, Chapter 13, pp. 257-268, Elsevier, 1, 2020, (https://cn.ifn.et.tu-dresden.de/compcombook/).



Xiang, Zuo; Gabriel, Frank; Urbano, Elena; Nguyen, Giang T.; Reisslein, Martin; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Reducing Latency in Virtual Machines Enabling Tactile Internet for Human Machine Co-working Journal Article

In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1098-1116, 2019, ISSN: 0733-8716.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Xiang, Zuo; Gabriel, Frank; Nguyen, Giang T.; Fitzek, Frank H. P.

Latency Measurement of Service Function Chaining on OpenStack Platform Proceedings Article

In: 2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) (LCN 2018), Chicago, USA, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX

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  • Communication Networks 2: SS2020
  • Communication Networks 3: WS2019
  • Practical Implementations of Network Coding: SS2018, SS2019
  • Problem Based Learning: WS2019, WS2020


Diplom/Master Thesis (DA/MA)

  • Evaluation and Implementation of Adaptive Service Function Chaining Protocol for Latency Sensitive Object Detection (Renbing Zhang)
  • Design and Evaluation of a Network Softwarization Platform for Edge and In-Network Computing (Patrick Ziegler)
  • Fast Traffic Congestion Detection and Avoidance for Edge Data Center Network with modern Programmable Switches (Ulrich Baur)
  • Routing algorithm design for Compression-And-Forward in Mesh Networks (Mohammad Kameli)
  • Towards Energy-efficient and High-performance Packet Processing for Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) (Malte Christian Höweler)

Student Thesis (SA)

  • Implementation and evaluation of different live migration strategies for Service Function Chaining(SFC) on the OpenStack platform (Alex Sarmanow)
  • Evaluation Adaptive Placement and Migration Approaches for Cloud Applications on the Network Softwarization Emulator (Carl Collmann)
  • Build a Disaggregated Virtualized Network Function (VNF) Runtime for Elastic Packet Processing. (Xuefan Wang)


  • Performance Evaluation of Network Coding as a Virtualized Network Function in the Service Function Chain (Silvio Ankermann)
  • Pedestrian Detection Approach with Compute Offloading on the Service Function Chain (SFC) (Xuefan Wang)