Some selected pictures of the chair.

CeTI @ Transcampus

Pictures of Frank Fitzek's presentation at the Deutsche Telekom booth in MWC 2019.

Pictures of the IEEE 5G Summit 2018 in Dresden which was jointly organized by the 5G Lab Germany and the IEEE.

Pictures of TryING 2018.

VDIni Club visits 5G Lab Germany.

Pictures of the IEEE 5G Summit 2017 in Dresden which was jointly organized by the 5G Lab Germany and the IEEE.

Pictures of the International Traffic Forum Leipzig 2017.

Pictures of the European Wireless Conference 2017 in Dresden.

Pictures of the CeBIT 2017 in Hannover.

Pictures of the Bosch Connected World 2017 in Berlin.

Pictures of the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona.

Pictures of the Deutsche Telekom Chair 1 year anniversary and the guest lecture of Dr.-Ing. Bruno Jakobfeuerbron (CTO Deutsche Telekom).

Pictures of the IEEE IEEE 5G Summit 2016 in Dresden.

Pictures of the 5G Lab Germany visiting Digital Minister Dorothee Bär.

Pictures of the IT Gipfel 2015 in Berlin.

Pictures of the Industry Day Dresden 2015

Pictures of the 5G Lab Summerschool 2015 and the accompanying hiking trip to Sächsische Schweiz.

Pictures of the CeBIT 2015 in Hannover.

Pictures of NGMN 2015

Pictures of the 5G Lab Showroom.

Pictures of the award of the honorary doctorate to Frank Fitzek from Budapest University of Technology and Economy (BUTE).

Pictures of the Vodafone Innovationspreis 2012.