Hauptseminar Kommunikationssysteme

Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Rico Radeke
together with Professors/Co-workers of the Barkhausenzentrum

ENROLL VIA OPAL is recommended (material and projects upload).
The seminar series will start April 9th, 2025, subject to final scheduling / time table.


This seminar series shall help students to work, research, document and present on a scientific basis.
The Hauptseminar is preparing for Studien- /Master- and Diplomtheses.
Course materials and further information are to be found at the OPAL-Website of the course.

General Information

Course language: German
compulsory course, 6th semester
0 2 0 (lecture/seminar/exam)
Course Number: ET-12 10 02

Course schedule

All seminars and lecture are held on Wednesdays, 3rd DS (11:10-12:40) BAR I/88

DateLecturer / PresenterTopic
09.04.2025Dr. Rico RadekeIntro to Course and Module, Organizational stuff
16.04.2025Seminar or Lecture + Topic Distribution
23.04.2025Seminar or Lecture
30.04.2025Seminar or Lecture
07.05.2025Seminar or Lecture
21.05.2025Seminar or Lecture
28.05.2025Seminar or Lecture
04.06.2025Seminar or Lecture
11.06.2025--- no lecture ---Pentecoast Week
18.06.2025Seminar or Lecture
25.06.2025Seminar or Lecture
02.07.2025Seminar or Lecture
09.07.2025Seminar or Lecture
16.07.2025Seminar or Lecture
Early July or August 2025Dr. Rico RadekeConsultation, Briefing, Coaching, Questions
at least 3 days before project presentationStudentsProject report to be turned in
at least 3 days before poster sessionStudentsExam Part 1 - Project presentation at responsible chair
11.-15.08.2025StudentsExam Part 2 - Poster session (all groups together)


The students work in small groups on a research topic affiliated with a chair of the Barkhausenzentrum.
The results have to be combined and documented in a project thesis.
Topics will be distributed in the first seminars.
Project descriptions and contact information of those will be available at the OPAL-Website.

Final Presentation

The students have to present the research results on a final meeting.