We are constantly looking for motivated students to join our chair for STUDENT / DIPLOMA / MASTER Thesis. We offer student, diploma, and master theses in the general area of communication networks. Some specific topics are given here as well in more detail, but the students may suggest their field of interest too. Interested students may contact us directly or write an email to Dr.-Ing. Rico Radeke or the respective supervisors.
Click on a topic below to find our offerings!
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
Software Defined Radio, Cellular Networks, High-Altitude Platforms, Meshed Networks
Network Coding (NC)
Distributed Storage, Cloud Solutions and Information-Centric Networking (ICN)
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)
Quantum Communication Networks
Software Defined Networks (SDN) & Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
Compressed Sensing (CS)
Intelligence for Energy and Communication Networks
Wireless Communication Security
Post-Shannon Communication, Guesswork, and Molecular Communications
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