Practical Implementations of Network Coding


Lecturer: Professor Frank Fitzek

Main lecturer: Professor Frank Fitzek

Assistant: M.Sc. Juan A. Cabrera

Co-lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Juan Cabrera

Assistant: Dipl.-Ing. Sandra Zimmermann

Co-lecturer: M.Sc. Hosein Kangavar Nazari



This course introduces the students to the challenges and approaches of the state-of-the-art implementations of network coding. The course is taught not just through lectures but also with hands-on exercises using the Kodo software library. Kodo is available as a C++ and Python library and web tool. Therefore, students with different programming preferences will be able to approach it.

The initial lectures refresh the knowledge of the students of the theoretical background of network coding, e.g., the min-cut max-flow of a network, inter-flow network coding, and intra-flow Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). The student is then introduced to the state-of-the-art software library Kodo and the advanced implementations of network coding such as systematic, sparse, tunable sparse, sliding window, etc. The course also covers the benefits of network coding in distributed storage applications. By the end of the course, the student will be introduced to advanced applications of network coding, e.g., Coded TCP, MORE, FULCRUM.

The exercises will teach the students how to use sockets in python as well as the python bindings of the Kodo software library for implementing unicast and broadcast communication applications.

Language of the course and exam: English

Optional course, 8th semester


Oral exam.

Examination schedule for the SS 2024:

Date: 23.07.2024

Time: 30 Min.

Room: BAR S4

Meeting rooms

The lectures will be presential when possible at BAR/I86C/U. Please check the website often because in the table below, we will announce if one particular meeting or exercise will be online.

The online links will be announced, if needed, on the fly via this website and OPAL.

Material for exercises with software


You can apply for a research license here. Specify that you are a student from the network coding course at the TUD. You will need a Github account where the source code is hosted.

Jupyter Notebook

Module Number

ET-12 10 21

Time Schedule

Wednesdays 6DS (16:40 – 18:10)
Thursdays (Every other week) 5DS (14:50 – 16:20)

Please, check from time to time the schedule below since it may be updated during the semester.

Lecture Videos

Lectures and exercises:

10.Apr.2024L1BAR/I86C/UDigital Inter Flow Network Coding: Motivation for network coding and use cases (5G, IoT, Wireless Mesh); Butterfly example; min cut max flow. Inter Flow network coding. Index Coding. Zick Zack Coding. CATWOMAN. Alice, Relay and Bob scenario under IEEE802.11 networks and asymmetric traffic
11.Apr.2024L2BAR/I86C/UDigital Inter Flow Network Coding (continuation)
17.Apr.2024L3BAR/I86C/UAnalog Inter Flow Network Coding: Introduction to Physical-layer Network Coding (PNC) and Analog Network Copding (ANC); Basic concepts; Implementation on Software Defined Radios; Potential gains
Digital Intra-flow Network Coding: Introduction to Random Linear Network Coding; Performance parameters field size and generation size; impact on resilience and latency; decodability for different field sizes; code variants: full RLNC/sliding window/sparse/seed/systematic/perpetual; overhead considerations for different field sizes and sparsity levels; heterogeneous packet sizes.
25.Apr.2024L5BAR/I86C/UIntroduction to the KODO library and examples
08.May.2024L6BAR/I86C/UDigital Intra-flow Network Coding (continuation)
09.May.2024L7BAR/I86C/UDigital Intra-flow Network Coding (continuation)
[6G summit. Might be cancelled]
E1BAR/I86C/UKodo Python and our Jupyter hub. Getting Started
29.May.2024E2BAR/I86C/UE1 continuation. Basic UDP transmissions over WIFI and an implementation of Alice, Relay and Bob scenario with digital inter-flow network coding (both with Python)
06.Jun.2024L8BAR/I86C/UAnalog Inter Flow Network Coding - Continuation
12.Jun.2024E3BAR/I86C/UIntroduction to Finite field operations
19.Jun.2024E4BAR/I86C/UAnalysis to decoding probability of RLNC
20.Jun.2024L9BAR/I86C/U Fulcrum Network codes - Continuation
26.Jun.2024E5BAR/I86C/UExcercise in Person
03.Jul.2024L10BAR/I86C/UIntroduction to PRAC; dealing with bit errors rather than packet ereasure
04.Jul.2024E6BAR/I86C/UAnalysis of cross topologies with and without overhearing
10.Jul.2024E7BAR/I86C/UNetwork coding in multihop scenarios

Further Material


Please check the OPAL link for the latest version.