Cooperative Communication Systems

Lecturer: Professor Frank Fitzek
Main lecturer:
Assistant: M.Sc. Shiwei Shen
Assistant: M.Sc. Jiajing Zhang
Assistant:Dipl.-Ing. Christian Vielhaus


This course aims at giving the students a complete overview of cooperation among modern communication networks that aid in achieving maximum network efficiency. The knowledge of approaches and methods of game theory allows the analysis of conflict situations as they occur, in the resource allocation of radio systems. The idea of cooperation among pure peer-to-peer networks is extended to multi-channel aware cooperation techniques like in the case of LTE over wireless meshed devices. The use of modern coding techniques such as network coding for improving cooperation gains is highlighted in the lecture. A small project is showing how fireflies work together in nature. The final lectures deal with the application of cooperative techniques to modern wireless mesh networks.

The theoretical concepts dealt with in the lectures are complemented with some interesting hands-on experiments and games in the exercise sessions to provide an intuitive understanding of the practical use of cooperative systems.

Course Basics

  • Language: English
  • Wahlpflichtmodule Studienrichtung Informationstechnik (8. Sem.)
  • Module Number: ET-12 10 22
  • 2 1 0(lecture/seminar/practical course)
  • Written exam

Important Links

We request all students enroll in the OPAL course. See the links above.

Summer Semester 2025

    • Wednesday (every week), 14:50 – 16:20, starts from 09.04.2025
    • Thursday (every two weeks), 16:40 – 18:10, starts from 17.04.2025
    • The playlist of part of the lecture videos is here and you can find the name of videos for each specific topic in the “Youtube Videos” column of the table below.
    • Here you can find an interesting video explaining “Das Gefangenendilemma (in German)”, and another version “The prisoner’s dilemma (in English)”.


  • L – Lecture
  • E – Exercise
  • t.b.d. – to be determined