Materials and Tools

On this page, you can find material for writing and presenting your results, e.g. your student or diploma thesis. Some files may already include the ComNets logo, some may not and require your engagement πŸ˜‰
Also, have a look at Empfehlungen fΓΌr die Ausarbeitung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (German, PDF).

Templates for Writing


We strongly recommend to use LaTeX for writing your thesis! There are two options: a local installation or the use of Overleaf.

For a local LaTeX installation see

Alternatively, use either the TU Dresden ShareLaTeX/Overleaf browser based editor or the one from Overleaf itself.
Hint: The web-based Overleaf installation comes with the advantage that you do not need to install LaTeX yourself (see following recommendation)!

Official TUD Template

We recommend to use the template based on tudscr, which is the official TU Dresden LaTeX package including examples for all thesis types.
This allows you to create your thesis with the TUD corporate design.
If you unpack the provided archive from Github, you can find the tudscr.pdf which describes all available commands in great detail. You can also have a look at the CTAN page where there is a link to the manual, too.
To get you started, you can use multiple options: There is template included in the archive file, there is a very simple template on the TUD servers, and there is a more comprehensive version from the Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization. Note: If you upload the .zip file and face an error message on first compilation, you need to change the main document in the settings to main.tex.
For the second option, have a look at the treatise.tex in the Github repository.
For example, to write a student thesis use \thesis{student} in your tex file. In order to use the English version, swap in the first line english and ngerman, so that the desired language is last.
What to fill in for \faculty{}, department{}, \institute{} and \chair{} can be found on the bottom of this page ↓
The correct name and title of your supervisor and professor can be found on the staff member page 😜
Finally, to give your thesis a nice finish, add the ComNets logo from from our CI package to the header.
From the folder RGB respectively SW, copy the file ComNets_MZ_RGB_Subline_en.eps resp. ComNets_MZ_SW_Subline_en.eps to your tex directory and add the \headlogo{ComNetsLogo.eps} option to the desired pages, e.g., to add it on the cover page use \makecover[headlogo=ComNets_MZ_RGB_Subline_en.eps]. This will add the ComNets logo in the top right corner of your cover page.

Examples for Written Theses

Templates for Presenting

There are two templates for creating presentations: one for LaTeX beamer and one for Microsoft Office Powerpoint.
To use the LaTeX version, have a look at the second repository on Github. Currently, in order to use the library on TUD Overleaf/ShareLaTeX, you need to copy the necessary LaTeX files to your root directory so that the files can be found. Unfortunately, the LaTeX library template is unlike the tudscr package not included in the TUD Overleaf/ShareLaTeX, yet (as of beginning of 2023). However, the provided LaTeX presentation template from us already includes all the files you need with some examples. You can directly upload the .zip archive to Overleaf a start right away!
Next to that, there is an example for a poster template:

We work on a general poster guideline but so far you can use this example. Ask also your supervisor about the requirements!

Examples for Presentations